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Web pages for my sons:


Contact information:

  • Letters:
    Carl-Erik Ripa
    Tellanders väg 1,
    SE-443 32 Lerum

Welcome to my homepage

The Helsingborg family Ripa (my family)

  • Family tree

  • Total 3526 people, 608 people with pictures.

    Updated 2015-08-01

Broddesson-, Bilsten- and Belstene-families with roots in Örahult, Oderljunga, Sweden

Total 6461 people, of which 1350 are born in the US, 1262 people with pictures.

Updated 2015-08-01

Ingalills family with roots in Sandhem, Kalvsvik and Vislanda including Carl von Linné an Petter Wieselgren

Total 2025 people, 222 people with pictures.

Updated 2015-08-01

Britta Ripas family

Total 1185 people, 65 people with pictures.

Updated 2015-08-01

Marina Ripas family

Total 1104 people, 64 people with pictures.

Updated 2015-08-01

Starting points in the family trees



Åhusfamily Ripa

Uppdaterad 2015-08-01

Welcome to my homepage containing some of the genealogical research that have occupied my interest during many years and that now have resulted in a book named:
Släktbok för Helsingborgssläkten Ripa

(Family book for the family Ripa in Helsingborg, Sweden)

Carl-Erik Ripa

Page changed 2015-09-10